Due to concerns regarding Covid-19, the March 24th meeting will be postponed. Another invitation will be sent when a future meeting date has been scheduled.
Please join us for our Third meeting of the decade!
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Eric Bradley, Heritage Auctions
Where: Neiman Marcus Upstairs Cafe, North Park Center
Cost: $60 per person
6:00 to 6:30 pm- Check-in, Cocktails
6:30 pm- Dinner
7:30 pm- Speaker
NTISA 2025 Board Members:
Kim Kasten, President
Mary Ross, Vice-President
Elizabeth Rhodes, Treasurer
Amy Kelly, Secretary
The ISA (International Society of Appraisers) national website also offers an APPRAISER MEMBER DIRECTORY and lists our members in the U.S. and Canada: