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North Texas Chapter of ISA

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September 2023 Meeting Feat. Special Agent David Bass

  • Tuesday, September 26, 2023
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Tuesday, September 26, 2023 VIA ZOOM

5:00 - 5:30 PM Happy/Social Hour

5:30 PM Chapter Meeting & Announcements

6:00 PM Special Agent David Bass

RSVP by noon on

Friday, September 22nd


Provenance and its Role in Combating Art Crime Globally

During his talk "Provenance and its Role in Combating Art Crime Globally", Special Agent David Bass of the FBI Art Crime Team will address how, moving forward, museum professionals can work together with law enforcement on questions of provenance. As stated by the FBI "Art and cultural property crime - which includes theft, fraud, looting and trafficking across state and international lines - is a looming criminal enterprise with estimated losses in the billions of dollars annually." Along with case studies, Bass will discuss potential tools used to research provenance, explain how criminals use provenance to carry out a crime, and discuss the role fake provenance plays in the legal art market. Bass will also touch on the challenges of repatriating art and cultural materials to the country of origin and importance of writing accurate inventories and how good records keeping skills can help establish factual provenance.

Special Agent David (Dave) Bass began his career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2002 and has served to present as a career field Agent investigating federal criminal violations and national security matters.  In 2004 he was selected to become one of the original members of the FBI's Art Crime Team which was officially organized in 2005.  As a member of the FBI's Art Crime Team, he has investigated and consulted on a variety of cultural property-related crimes including museum thefts, Archeological Resource Protection Act violations, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act violations, art theft, and art fraud.  Of particular note, he was part of the Milwaukee-based investigative team that worked the theft of the Lipinski Stradivarius in 2014.  In addition to domestic investigations, Agent Bass has provided assistance to, or participated in, cultural property crimes-related investigations, trainings and other events with foreign law enforcement agencies and partners including China, Cambodia, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Italy, Bulgaria, INTERPOL, and others.   In his free time he enjoys collecting art, painting, and photography.

PLEASE NOTE: This program will not be recorded. Please save the date!

NTISA 2025 Board Members:  

Kim Kasten, President

Mary Ross, Vice-President

Elizabeth Rhodes, Treasurer

Amy Kelly, Secretary

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