NTISA is looking forward to another year of exciting meetings and programs. Our Winter/Spring schedule will consist of a hybrid of in-person and virtual meetings, with the first being a virtual program held via Zoom. Please find details below.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 VIA ZOOM
5:00 - 5:30 PM Happy/Social Hour
5:30 PM Chapter Meeting & Announcements
6:00 PM Annette Becker, Director of the Texas Fashion Collection
University of North Texas College of Visual Arts and Design
RSVP by noon on
Friday, January 19th
Meet Annette Becker:
Annette Becker is an arts educator and material culture historian whose research focuses on dress history. She serves as Director of the Texas Fashion Collection, an archive of nearly 20,000 garments and accessories housed within the :University of North Texas College of Visual Arts and Design. She brings experience from museums and cultural institutions around the country, as well as graduate training in art history, art education and American history.
Finding Fashion History: Researching Artifacts at the Texas Fashion Collection
Archives often accept artifacts with little to no provenance, relying on curatorial expertise to reconstruct the artifacts' histories and cultural significance. Join dress historian, Annette Becker, as she models the object-based and archival research processes that inform her understanding of the treasures in the Texas Fashion Collection. From famous Christian Dior gowns to rare Hanae Mori hostess ensembles, featured designs will expand your knowledge of fashion history and develop you skills evaluating fashion artifacts.
NTISA 2025 Board Members:
Kim Kasten, President
Mary Ross, Vice-President
Elizabeth Rhodes, Treasurer
Amy Kelly, Secretary
The ISA (International Society of Appraisers) national website also offers an APPRAISER MEMBER DIRECTORY and lists our members in the U.S. and Canada: https://www.isa-appraisers.org/find-an-appraiser